10/17/2012 06:24:00 AM

Article ( Kata Sandang)
     Article is is the word preceding nouns and function as a determinant or bookmark specific meaning of a noun, or vice versa, making the meaning of a noun or words that describe to the public.
   The article in the English language is divided into two parts: the indefinite article and the definite article

a / an

   The articlea’ oran’ is a modification of the one-word form, while the article is a derivative of the adjective that. word is intended to determine the meaning of a word becomes more assertive and clear. Use 'a' with nouns starting with a consonant (letters that are not vowels),
with nouns starting with a vowel (a,e,i,o,u)
    The difference in the use of article A vs. AN
As the article’s ‘a’ and ‘an’ meaning is one. In the Indonesian language, the second article can be translated into an/an/an/a ff. It depends of the noun that follows.
For example :
-      an apple = an apple
-      A lady  = woman
-       a tiger  = a tiger
-      A leaf  =  leaf, and so on.

indifinite article a / an is used;
a.    before the nouns that can be counted to give meaning to one or any
Example :  Tell me a story

b. in the expression that states the unit of measure.
Example : He can type hundred words in a minute

c. expression in the limit repeated one action at a specific time period.
Example : the bus now goes only once a month

d. the word dozen, gross, hundred, thousand, million, so that means one.
Example :  I have warned you a million times 

. in the name of a profession or group
Examples : My father is a lawyer
                   He is now an enemy of yours

f. with singular nouns, after the words 'what' and 'such'
Examples : What a shame!
                   She's such a beautiful girl.

An before an h mute - an hour, an honour.
A before u and eu when they sound like 'you': a european, a university, a unit

    Definite article ‘The’ is used before a noun that can be counted in the singular or plural. see the following examples

a. with names that formed the adjective and the noun or noun followed by an explanation.
Examples : The United States
                   The Indian Ocean
                   The Republic of Panama

b. the names of rivers, mountains, oceans, deserts.
Examples : The Nile
                   The Sahara
                   The Alps

c. the names of ships, trains, planes, and the like.
Examples : The Queen Mary
       The Boing 747
       The Orient Express

d. the names of musical instruments.
Examples : The  piano
                   The violin

e. in the superlative form of adjectives
Examples : The longest
       The biggest

f. in the adjective used as a noun.
Examples : The poor
                   The rich

g. in the singular noun that can be counted to make a generalization.
Example : The camel comes from Africa and Asia
h. when both the speaker and listener know what is being talked about, even if it has not been mentioned before.
Example :  Where's the bathroom?'
                  ‘It's on the first floor.'
i. ordinal number before nouns
Example : the Second World War, the third chapter           

Don’t use ‘The’ for :
-    The name of lake
Examples : Lake Toba, Lake batur
-    The name of mountain
Examples : Mount Merapi, Mount Semeru, Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Everest
-    The name of planet ( except Earth)
Examples : Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus, Venus, Orion, Constellation
-    The names of   School, University, Collage if replace at the end sentence
Example : Al- Azhar School, Gunadarma University, Santa Fec Community Collage
-    Cardinal number after nouns
Example : World War Two, Chapter three
-    The names of country if consist of one word
Examples : Indonesia, China, Canada
-    The names of sport
Example : basketball, football, tennis
-    Nouns abstract
Examples : happiness, sadness
-    Science
Examples : Biology, Chemistry, Physic
-    The names of feast
Example : Christmas, Thanks giving, Idul Fitri, Independence day

Do not use a singular count noun without the “a/an and the”
I bring a book
I bring an apple
I bring the book

-      Yusdi,Muhammad.2011.Magic TOEFL.Jakarta:Inspirita
-       www.edufind.com

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